Thursday, November 27, 2014

Spanish Mastiffs and Wolves

A Facebook post from my Spanish friend, David Vega:

A pack of wolves attacked a Goat herd in my land yesterday and fight to death against Spanish Mastiffs. Here is “Duque” a Spanish Mastiff who got injuries in the ear and the leg. 13 dogs ( 12 SMs and 1 Belgian shepherd) were watching this Goat herd in a remote region of “Camaleño” in Cantabria, Spain. This guy has 2 dogs at the front, 9 on the side of the herd and 2 protecting the back. 8 wolves attacked two dogs : A SM and The Belgian Shepherd, and killed 5 goats , it was a well planned attack. But Still 8 wolves vs 2 dogs, no dogs killed just 5 goats, because the pack heard the sounds of the fight and came to the rescue. I bet you some of these wolves are bad injured.

Sunday, November 23, 2014

LGDs Guarding Cattle: Dogged Dedication Article in Working Ranch Magazine

I was very happy to assist on this article, and one of my previously published articles was also reprinted.  If you are thinking about trying Spanish Mastiffs on cattle, it helps if they have been reared as pups around them.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Argenta Guarding Chickens in Montana

Cinco Deseos Ranch Argenta (Furiano de Puerto Canencia x Zaca Tornado Erben) guards a flock of chickens on her ranch in Montana, along with her brother Agostin.  Photos copyright Sandy Palen Elmore.

These pups were not raised on fowl, but took to guarding them in grand style.  (The cat provides back up!)

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