So today I find myself once again thumbing through my decades old, tattered yet still so pertinent, cherished and rare copies of Molosser Magazin - the now out of print but much coveted "bible" of all those who loved and raised the molosser breeds, of course, including the Spanish Mastiff. When the current Livestock Guardian Dog scene in America begins to depress me - something that sadly occurs with more and more frequency as of late - I turn to these magazines to rebuild my hope and focus. They, along with my dearly beloved pack of 20 or so hounds - keep me going.
Being of German stock on my mother's side (old immigrants from Berlin to New York), some could say I'm prejudiced but no favoritism is going on here due to race and nationality. Actually being half Spanish/Mexican and half German, makes for a fiery cross….! But no racial favoritism here, it is more of a statement to the lack of quality sources in America out there today, that I am forced to dredge up from 30 some years past, words of wisdom from a German professor and world renowned judge of molosser (mastiff) breeds all over the world.
I have touched on Habig's impact on my dog breeding and principles on this blog before. For me it was and remains, one of my most favorite posts, as it caused me to go back, pause and think of who I owe thanks to for being who I am now. Had I a lesser teacher/mentor - would just be another one of the many out there doing this half-assed, or doing it all wrong, without a concept, without integrity.
You know they say integrity is what you do when you think no one is watching…..
Consider these wry words, so true then, and even more true today, from Herr Habig in his 2/85 issue of Molosser Magazin:
"It is all so very simple: all you need in order to breed dogs is a bitch and a stud. And everyone, who lets their bitch take part in the "act of love" with a stud, and then lets her bring up the result of this mating, namely the puppies, can call himself a breeder."
Acht! And there you have, readers, in a capsule: the state of our nation here when it comes to LGDs. Reckless, fly by night, ego driven backyard farmers who think bringing a litter of LGDs into the world is akin to hatching chicks, butcher hogs, sheep or goats.
It is anything but!
But! Don't tell that to these people. After all, these are the "entitlement generation", the ones born often with silver spoons protruding from pouted lips, and a aura reeking of "I wanted that yesterday". They inherited a farm or suddenly decided to chuck it all in New York City and bought 10 acres in Ohio. They could get around in the Bronx, so they think they know it all in South Dakota or on some far flung plot in Canada - really the mindset crosses country boundaries.
Yes, a concept can be a hinderance when you are breeding for the wrong reasons!
It is this mindset now pervading the hallowed halls of LGD breeds, that has every Tom, Dick and Lucy out there churning out $50-300.00 pups. Most with either no vaccinations, or vaccinations too late…de-worming is a crap shoot…parents? You MIGHT see one of them, and if its the dam, if you're lucky, she's a full LGD breed. But more than not, she's the risky, second guess offspring of some vague parentage. Photos of grandparents are rarely available. The bitch may have whelped the pups in the brush or sands of the outback. Sometimes they are covered in fleas and ticks. You can't catch them for a million dollars. And oh, if you ask them WHY they are breeding LGDs, they usually can't tell you.
They have no concept. No ground, no base.
High risk? Unstable? You bet. Dependable? Hardly. Quality? What is that?
Concept? What is a concept?!!!???!!!?
The people who have in the past two or so years, absolutely flooded the LGD market in the USA with everything from St. Pyrenees (St. Bernards crossed with Great Pyrenees); the bogus "Boz Shepherd" designer fighting breed from the nefarious dog fighter in Turkey, Akin Tulubas; LabraPyrs (Labradors crossed with Pyrenees); etc. etc. etc….these are the people I refer to when I quip, "send in the clowns".
If they are purebred 0r close to purebred LGDs - the parent stock is often scrawny, underfed, of poor quality, certainly not that which should be bred.
But lets give the dogs a break! How about the owners of these dogs?
They have, what Habig refers to as - NO CONCEPT.
No, they cannot be bothered with ethics - because making a quick "buck" off of this litter is all that matters. The sole goal of most of these people can be summed up by a dollar sign. Overnight, their club lamb or rambling ranch website morphs into an LGD breeder website. And they have no - zero - credentials or experience to back it up. They have turned LGDs into cash cows, and have demeaned them as a whole, doing it.
Honesty? Transparency? What are those concepts? What do they hope to improve or produce or create or change?
These concepts are usually as foreign to them as a D-mark or a franc.
Sadly, things will continue to spiral downward in this country and afar at this rate until it bottoms out.
Something must be done - before too many of these breeds are ruined and gene pools permanently damaged in America.
Instead of nodding like bobble headed dolls at the Facebook armchair experts expounding on their vast knowledge, people need to go beyond the shallow yak of Internet fakes and Facebook groups. The yakkers out there with no credentials or experience or bonafides who are so much of the problem….they need to be ignored, shunned, banned! And the panty waist 20 somethings need to be shook to their core and taught a lesson or two in integrity and honor - if they are not too warped and far gone to even teach!
And lets not let the much hyped Ray Coppinger, the "godfather" of the LGD in America, off the hook too soon either as the misguided sled dog maestro only succeeded in putting out bad information back in the '70's - embraced of course by our own US Dept. of Agriculture - that inevitably led to these dogs being raised wrong, run never in the right numbers, by shepherds who were more than happy to remain lazy and expect and allow their dogs to do all the work. Time to dump his manifesto, and let in the new bloods who preach a more compassionate and responsible rearing and use of these magnificent dogs. Its never too late for that!
No, things must change here, and fast. I keep harping on it here and on my website, in hopes I can reach some out there with half a brain. Those are the ones who would have relished Molosser Magazin in its heyday, and who would have as I do, seen Habig as a hero for the molosser breeds. Whether it be a Spanish Mastiff or a Fila or a Great Pyrenees - the glut of bad breeding and bad crosses must be frowned upon, not encouraged by buyers who grab up cheap pups and bad breeders with no concept, let alone integrity or honor.
The bad breeders must be shamed. They must be held feet to fire.
Do you have the guts to do that? Habig did. I do it all the time!
CONCEPT. So, what is YOUR concept? Do you have one? Will you ever have one?
Or is it too much trouble? Do you love these dogs? Or is it just something you fill your hobby farm hours with, much like binge watching TV shows or going to the mall?
If you do not have a concept, you have no business breeding LGDs, and you'd best stay away from those of us who do cling to a concept and promote the ethical use, breeding and treatment of these great breeds.
The Livestock Guardian Dog Blog by Brenda M. Negri COPYRIGHT NOTICE Please note all original material on this site including photos is © 2019 the author of this blog and unless otherwise stipulated, must not be reproduced without permission, and must include full acknowledgement of the source.
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