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The Livestock Guardian Dog Blog by Brenda M. Negri COPYRIGHT NOTICE Please note all original material on this site including photos is © 2019 the author of this blog and unless otherwise stipulated, must not be reproduced without permission, and must include full acknowledgement of the source.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
How to keep you & your dog safe from Coronavirus
Tuesday, February 25, 2020
Dust to Dust: Reminding your Livestock Guardian Dogs, Predators, and Creatures
Dust to Dust: Reminding your Livestock Guardian Dogs,
Predators and Creatures
Remember man that you are dust and into dust you shall return….
Today is what is referred to as “Fat Tuesday” which is the day before the official Ash Wednesday of Lent, which begins forty days of penance, fasting and prayer. Of course myself, being born, raised and bred Catholic from my childhood in California, I know what it means. I am sure there are plenty of Livestock Guardian Dog owners who also know what Ash Lent means. But maybe many do not. That is okay, as anyone who wonders, can look online and study Lent.
For me, I cling Lent even more closer and harder than I did before. My attack of stroke and Multiple Sclerosis that came the morning of September 17, 2018 when I woke up as I put up my famous book, The Way of The Pack: Understanding and Living With Livestock Guardian Dog, was a wake up call. My MS comes and goes; recently my stroke issues and MS has been worse – again. So be it – I do as best as I can do. I pray my 15-decade rosary. I read my Missal. I think every day as I work on my LGDs outside, tending my sheep, working on the soil and the trees and the ranch.
My book is getting more famous even more now, it seems, with people buying it.
Hundreds of people have bought a copy. Many of them contact me and tell me how much it has helped them, and how they keep going back for reference more and more, again and again. They realize the humble book reaches out to everyone. How more people can take a step back and learn. I am glad they are reading the in-depth chapters that really ask people to believe, trust, have faith and most important, the kindness of dogs and predators as well.
So as it begins Ash Wednesday tomorrow, I kindly ask more people to take a breath, step back, and yes, ask a prayer or two for understanding over their working dogs, their predator animals, their creatures and family. God be with you.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Maximilian Werner: The senseless treatment of predators in the West
Maximilian Werner: The senseless treatment of predators in the West
Why more people need to read this man's message, and his forthcoming fall book, “Wolves, Grizzlies, and Greenhorns: Death and Coexistence in the American West.” And it's why my next third book, "God Saints and LGDs: The Faith, Compassion and Prayers For Owners, Predators and Livestock Guardian Dogs" is hitting on much of the same animals that is racing for time, faith and hope.
From The Salt Lake Tribune
Given the many challenges we face as humans, it’s easy to ignore the non-human world and the plight of other animals besides ourselves. I wonder how many Utahans know about the American West’s vicious and unrelenting extermination campaign against predators.
My guess is not many. Because if people knew that thousands of these beautiful and important animals — including cougars, black bears, coyotes, bobcats, foxes, and wolves — are shot, trapped and poisoned every year for people’s amusement or at the behest of livestock producers and hunters, I suspect that this disgusting, irrational and senseless treatment of predators would have ended long ago.
One would hope that we would have learned from the extermination campaigns of the past, when many species were extirpated from the landscape to the detriment of entire ecosystems. Unfortunately, when it comes to advocating for the interests of others, humans are notoriously slow learners.
I have long known about Utah’s shameful treatment of predators (for example, our misguided coyote bounty program), but not until I began studying wolf and grizzly bear management in southwest Montana, and saw how easily it was for state and federal agencies to destroy these animals for reasons that were arguable at best, that I realized the extent and pervasiveness of this problem.
Now it seems that a day does not go by when I don’t hear of some half-baked plan to make it even easier to kill predators.
Just last week a senator from Idaho introduced “emergency legislation” that would allow Idahoans with a hunting license and a wolf tag to shoot wolves year-round in what the bill describes as “wolf free zones.” These zones, which will be south of I-84 and the Snake River, sound a lot like Wyoming’s “predator zone,” which, because it includes 85% of the state, may as well just be called “Wyoming.” Any wolf unlucky enough to wander into that zone can, in the words of one wolf advocacy website, “be killed by almost any method, at any time, in any number and without a license.”
Similarly, in late December of 2019 Utah’s own Sens. Mike Lee and Mitt Romney joined Sen. Rob Johnson, R-Wisc., to introduce S. 3140, the American Wild Game and Livestock Protection Act. If approved, this bill (whose title conflates wild game with livestock) will delist gray wolves nationwide (currently only Montana, Idaho and Wyoming have this distinction) and prohibit judicial review.
If this happens, and delisting becomes the law of the land, we can expect other states to adopt equally barbaric, unscientific and indiscriminate management policies of their own and wolves will again be pushed to the brink of extinction.
More recently, “Rural Person of the Year” Rep. Carl Albrecht, also from Utah, just introduced HB 125, the purpose of which is to boost deer and elk populations by ramping up both the Division of Wildlife Resources’ predator control program and trophy hunting quotas of mountain lions, black bears, bobcats and coyotesIf the reader is wondering if deer and elk populations in are in trouble, the short answer is no. So why HB 125? So that there are more deer and elk for hunters to kill, of course. I don’t know about the reader, but I am not persuaded by this reasoning for killing our wildlife.
The news isn’t all bad, however. In 2016, California recorded its first wolf pack since the 1920’s, as has Colorado just within the last week. A handful of packs have also found their way to Washington and Oregon. A small pack of Mexican gray wolves is trying to survive along the New Mexico and Arizona border. Wolves are all around us. One day very soon they will find their way to Utah. I hope that we do not fail them.
Maximilian Werner, Salt Lake City, is the author six books. His seventh book, “Wolves, Grizzlies, and Greenhorns: Death and Coexistence in the American West,” will be published this fall.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Respecting Boundaries: Escape and Roaming Issues
Respecting Boundaries:
Escape and Roaming Issues
“We’ll find ‘em in the end I promise you. We’ll find ‘em…as sure as the…turning of the earth.”
--- John Wayne as Ethan Edwards, The Searchers
Becoming more and more popular, even in Europe, Canada, and other counties, not just the USA, either. From my book, The Way of The Pack: Understanding and Living With Livestock Guardian Dogs; $35.00 on Amazon; more than 350 pages, more than 40 chapters, pictures, magazines, films and You Tubes.
Livestock Guardian Dogs that don’t or won’t “stay put” on farmer’s homesteads, ranches and hobby farms is an oft-heard issue. But many people forget the history and background of these ancient landrace breeds is one that is based on a dog living a transient life full time with flocks and herds, traveling with them over miles of unfenced, open terrain with shepherds. That the American farmer has begun to use LGDs in manners that are outside of their traditional role has in turn resulted in wandering, roaming dogs who get out of their confined area, not content to stay in, or regularly leave to chase predators. This often results in dead dogs hit by vehicles on a busy highway, stolen, shot or poisoned. Let’s get to the bottom of the “why” of this and then look at solutions to help prevent LGD escapes from happening.
In their native countries, Livestock Guardian Dogs typically are never or rarely contained in small lots, pastures, corrals, fields or barnyard areas. They stay with the shepherd, who stays with the flock full time and travels in what is known as transhumance. Unlike some Americans who are gone several hours during the day from their farm to another job, the shepherd lives and travels with his flock 24/7. This Old World type of transhumance can be over a few miles or hundreds of miles, with a handful of livestock, or herds numbering over a thousand head. The key element is, there are very few or no fences. The dog is not expected to stay in a tiny pen with goats or sheep. He is rarely tied up. The flock moves and grazes with the shepherd who moves them in a grazing pattern that can be decades if not centuries old, through villages both teeming with people and abandoned, across plains and steppes, up mountain ranges and through deep, desolate valleys. Along with the flock come the herding dogs to move the flock along and help position animals where the shepherd wants them to be grazing, and the guardian dogs, who provide much needed protection from predators.
You don’t see this type of ranging or transhumance on a hobby farm or small family operation. The reason why is because most hobby farms have established boundaries established by fencing. Livestock is limited in its range and is kept on the owner’s property.
LGDs by nature live to protect. They are territorial breeds that bond to livestock and their owners, and consider them “theirs.” This protection instinct includes their home turf. So, when something comes along that in their mind, threatens what they consider “theirs,” they will spring into action to stop it. If a stout perimeter fence or some type of wall is in place, the dog will go as far as he can before he is stopped. But if there is inadequate fencing that is not tall enough, full of holes, easily dug or slipped under or is falling apart, guess what? The dog will continue through it to stop the threat to his livestock.
The “contained farm” or ranch’s LGDs in turn must work within boundaries set by their owner. Here are where many problems arise for the LGD owner and operator. Because these ancient breeds have been bred to travel great distances and stay with stock, if kept in too small of an area, they often will be become bored and inclined to jump over or push through weak fencing. They may see a threat on the other side and crash through painful hot wire to stop it. Some dogs are expected to stay in far too small of an area for their entire lives by unknowing owners and rebel by jumping out and taking off – sometimes never to return. Likewise, LGDs who are not fed adequately, never given attention or care by their owners or just bored will find an excuse to leave the boundaries set for them.
Loose ranging LGDs can be struck and run over by traffic on a road, accidentally or purposely shot, poisoned, picked up by well meaning people, stolen, and more. How can an LGD owner prevent his LGD from wandering and escaping? By following these sensible practices, escapes can be reduced to a minimum if not completely stopped.
Please fence me in. One of the biggest mistakes many novice LGD owners make is buying the guardian dog beforethey put up the fencing. While a fledgling pup may be content to stick close to his new owners, the house and the barn for the first month or so, with age comes curiosity and the natural inclination to investigate and patrol their territory, and soon the pup has found the unfenced half of the farm, and disappears. Don’t bring in a new LGD pup or adult dog to an operation without having strong dog proof fencing already in place. Don’t be the “penny wise, pound foolish” farmer who spends thousands on exotic livestock that is put in inferior or poorly fenced corrals, lots and pastures. Don’t bring a pup into a situation that is already set up to fail. Have your dog proof fencing in place before you bring home your LGD. Keeping the dog contained will be one less thing on the operator’s plate; there are months ahead of training the pup to focus on, and keeping him in place on the property should be the least of one’s worries.
Size is everything. Too many LGD owners plop their pups and dogs into a tiny fenced area and then wonder why their protectors begin digging out, chewing on lamb’s ears, barking non-stop, climbing over a fence, and more, in a desperate attempt to escape. LGDs become bored and stifled if put in too small of an area. I have frequently frowned on anyone buying and using LGDs if they live on property that is less than two acres.
LGDs must be able to stretch their legs, run and get exercise to blow off steam. They must be mentally stimulated. That means not living their entire life penned up in a tiny lot or cramped space. But believe it or not, many LGD owners expect their dogs to do that. They buy a pup, put it on one acre, and expect it to live its entire life out in that small space. This is not fair to the dog, and it is not a normal existence especially for breeds bred for generations to roam with stock over miles.
The chain gang: dangle sticks and chain drags. A “dangle stick” is a short length of chain affixed to a dog’s collar, at which the end of is a short (less than 12 inches long) stick. This device serves as a slowing mechanism. The stick will flop against the dog’s upper legs, giving him discomfort if he moves too fast. Likewise, a heavy linked chain, roughly a foot long, serves the same purpose.
Neither of these methods should be used for a long period of time. If I have a young LGD who is overly rambunctious with my livestock, I will affix a chain drag to it’s collar. The most I leave it on the dog for is roughly 30 minutes, and during that time I keep the dog under observation. If the dog settles and stops chasing or bothering stock before that time I remove the chain and give the dog praise.
Some shepherds will leave a dangle stick on a dog for an indefinite period of time and I do not prescribe this. In brushy or thickly forested country, the stick could be caught in something and the dog trapped or held, and unable to get itself free.
Again, neither of these methods should be used on a permanent basis, but only briefly, until the dog shows that he is calming down and slowing down, and “gets the message”. You will know that by the body language signals the dog displays. The eyes will soften, the dog will often lower it’s head, and it’s movements will slow down and calm down.
Yokes belong in eggs, not on a dog. Don’t resort to using bizarre, cruel contraptions around a dog’s neck, commonly referred to as a “yoke”, to keep him inside his property. A dog wearing one of these ridiculous and inhumane contrivances is at risk. The dog wearing a yoke is vulnerable and can be easily taken by a large predator because the dog cannot turn his head to counterattack and protect himself. Yokes also impede a dog’s chance to escape should he be cornered by a pack of wolves or a bear, in that they restrict the dog’s movement and ability to run at a normal pace. “Yokes” are quick-fix devices used by lazy and uncaring shepherds. Don’t be one!
Large tire and log drags. Safe drags and dangle sticks as described above are one thing, but tying a working LGD to a giant tractor tire or a heavy log in order to keep him “put” are not good ideas for many reasons. It restricts his ability to move and be where his livestock is, thus increasing the chance of a predator being able to take off with a lamb or goat kid. Cumbersome, heavy drags often get caught in brush or in a fence line and the dog is left stuck, often without water or food. If left this way the dog could perish. If bogged down by a heavy tire drag, an LGD cannot effectively defend itself against a large bear, wolf, lion, a pack of feral dogs or coyotes.
Monday, January 6, 2020
A New Year: Keeping Your LGD Female Safe When Coming in Heat
A New Year: Keeping Your LGD Female Safe
When Coming in Heat
When Coming in Heat
My large LGD dogs - Spanish Mastiffs and Pyrenean Mastiffs - have kept "low and quiet" for many months. Today, my 4 year old SM female has began showing some "excitement" and happiness, and slightly flirting with two of my old (11 year old) Anatolian x Maremma boys, Pak and Pala. Her gigantic Spanish Mastiff stud Furiano, hasn't got too interested yet which is good as, because of my attack with Multiple Sclerosis last September of 2018, my putting dogs up for heat and pups is long gone now. I cannot do it anymore. I have not done any pups for going on four years now, which is fine.
It is important to keep my dogs healthy and calm. I've decided to try a new, more quiet and calm "Relax" from Mr. Harvey's famous dog food and medicine deals. This supplement is noted for stress and anxiety supplements. I've decided to try this for the first time. I find it on Chewy: https://www.drharveys.com/products/dogs/181-relax-herbal-relax-supplement-for-dogs
Herbal Relax Supplement for Dogs
- Gentle Powdered formula
- Promote calming effect and sense of relaxation
- Can use Every Day
- No Chemicals, Dyes, Preservatives or Synthetic Ingredients of any kind
Active Ingredients per Scoop (2.6 grams):
A proprietary Blend of Alfalfa, Kelp, Flaxseed, Brewer’s Yeast, Lecithin Granules, Spirulina, Garlic, Rose Hips, Red Clover, Kava Kava, Hops, Chamomile, Catnip Leaf, Damiana, Lobelia, Passion Flower, Valerian Root, Rosemary Leaf, Skullcap…………………………………………………….. 2.6 grams
Product Facts (continued):
For use in dogs only. This product has been manufactured using herbs which not only make the product gentle but also help promote calming effect and sense of relaxation to help curb destructive behavior.
Directions for Use:
Amount may vary based on weight of dog. Use scoop amounts daily listed below. This container holds approximately 76 scoops. Do not exceed recommended amounts unless under the guidance of a veterinarian.
2-20 lb…………………………………………………………….1 scoop
21-50 lb…………………………………………………………2 scoops
51-95 lb…………………………………………………………3 scoops
96-150 lb……………………………………………………….4 scoops
I also like Dr. Harvey's price on produces from Chewy. Very reasonable!
Meanwhile, I have a plan for Gwangi my female Spanish Mastiff who is coming into heat. She'll be gently wiped on by my Vicks Vapor oil around her rear end which keeps the smell of the Vicks noticeably "bored" from any males - in other words, keeps the males not as interested. And most important: no male dogs fighting with each other!
That includes Pyrenean Mastiff male Bobo, the hugest SM dog on the USA, Furiano, and Pak and Pala!
When the time comes and I have to keep Gwangi in the house against the males, I can also see if one of my "panty waist dolls" on her will fit, and subsequently keep her away from a male:
Now the biggest ones I own are XX Large sized for my dear senior Great Pyrenees Pinta who is 11 years old and is used for her urination issues (refer my older post on my Blog: http://spanishmastiff.blogspot.com/2019/09/lets-talk-about-helping-senior-aged.html )
Now the biggest ones I own are XX Large sized for my dear senior Great Pyrenees Pinta who is 11 years old and is used for her urination issues (refer my older post on my Blog: http://spanishmastiff.blogspot.com/2019/09/lets-talk-about-helping-senior-aged.html )
However for Gwangi who is much larger, I will be looking on Amazon to see if they sell a XXX or 4X Large "panty waist doll" for her.
Folks go ahead a laugh at these all you want. The truth is these kinds of female dog diapers are the best way to use for senior citizen dogs with urination problems and for females who are on heat. Check it out first before you think it's a "joke" because you might find out you're the LGD owner with a female who got stuck on heat accidentally because you haven't taken any time to read or try the other way!
Good luck!
Here's a couple of product diapers from Amazon you should check out!
Friday, December 6, 2019
Finding a Good LGD Mentor
from the book
The Way of The Pack: Understanding and Living With
Livestock Guardian Dogs
Available on Amazon.com - $35.00
“No such thing as bad student, only bad teacher.”
— Mr. Miyagi, The Karate Kid
In the Old Country, where LGDs originated, there is history, and an age-old continuum of multiple generations of shepherds and farmers practicing a tradition of passing on skills and knowledge to the young. Mentorship is highly valued, more so than it seems to be in today’s current American hobby farmer scene. This is not true with most larger, traditional cattle and sheep ranchers where there is definitely a “passing on of the torch.” So here you are, looking for a mentor to guide you along your path with LGDs - some advice, which you may or may not take, from a source that you may take at face value, or do your homework and see if they really are all they’ve been pumped up to be. Are you serious about learning from someone who is who they say they are? Then read on as I share some insights on how to choose wisely when you seek an LGD mentor to give you advice.
One day I was on the phone with my LGD customer in Washington, Barbara Judd (see LGDs Guarding Poultry chapter.) We were laughing while discussing the distressing and increasing lack of discernment on the part of LGD newcomer owners and users when it came to vetting out their sources for good LGD training and raising advice. “Them!” Barbara laughed. “Ever notice how when pressed, everyone says ‘I heard it from them?’” “They told me to do this. They claim you can only do it this way. Well, who are they? The truth is, they don’t know!”
One day I was on the phone with my LGD customer in Washington, Barbara Judd (see LGDs Guarding Poultry chapter.) We were laughing while discussing the distressing and increasing lack of discernment on the part of LGD newcomer owners and users when it came to vetting out their sources for good LGD training and raising advice. “Them!” Barbara laughed. “Ever notice how when pressed, everyone says ‘I heard it from them?’” “They told me to do this. They claim you can only do it this way. Well, who are they? The truth is, they don’t know!”
Regular, and in many cases extreme, padding of backgrounds, experience and accomplishments people claim to have had with Livestock Guardian Dogs is an increasing phenomenon in America, and only on the rise as these dogs gain in popularity. It happens because people like you, the customer, the reader and the buyer, allow it. People take things at face value. They do not press for verification or proof. And many “LGD experts” know this, and actually count on it. That is why they can successfully brag that they’ve done this and that for “x” number of years, and get away with it, when the truth is maybe the actual number of years is about half what they claim it is. It is a regular occurrence with nouveau LGD breeders. People claiming to have been breeding for eight years when they’ve only really been on the scene for two, etc. Again, facilitated by you, the person who does not vet them out. Then you have the audacity to holler “foul!” when they steer you wrong with bad advice or sell you an inferior pup!
I heartily agreed with Barbara’s assessment. My favorites are the burgeoning number of self-labeled “LGD experts” claiming “30, 35, 40 plus years of experience,” to include published articles, books, etc. Yet when you go digging into their supposed repertoire of works, it is very strange. Typically you can only go back about 15 years if even that, and find something; rarely do you ever see hold in your hand proof of published articles or supposed academic research work going back as far as they claim it does. It is one of the reasons why for years, I have arbitrarily posted photos of the actual magazines I have written in, including photos of articles, manuals, etc., that I authored or contributed to, because I want people to know that when I say I had something published in Dog World in 1980, I really did. Unlike some others, I can prove it!
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving and God Bless to All
From my book
The Way of The Pack: Understanding and Living With
Livestock Guardian Dogs
Amazon - $35.00
Monday, November 18, 2019
Keeping LGD Dogs and Livestock Warm
Keeping LGD Dogs and Livestock Warm
Premier 1 has used these great warming heat lamps for years.
I still have my own - and will put it up behind the kitchen house where my LGDs can keep
warmer by the heat.
Much better than the metal type, the "Prima" Heat Lamp stays safe by hanging
up away from straw, rugs or wood.
Check out the link here: https://www.premier1supplies.com/p/prima-heat-lamp?criteria=heat
"Rugged and reliable heat lamp used to warm lambs, goat kids, chickens, ducks, puppies or for any animal that is sick or cold. Common heat lamps are often blamed for barn fires, scorched wool and overheating. The “Prima” is better in every way—strength, safety, protective guard, and hanging system."
A litter of SM pups under my barn several years ago.
Notice the heat lamp!
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Pyrenean Mastiff Sally Enjoying the Fire
Nothing like a warm fire in the fall in October!
With Puss Puss, the little calico cat.
Life is fine...
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Let’s Talk About: Helping Senior Aged LGDs With Excess Urine Problems
Let’s Talk About: Helping Senior Aged LGDs
With Excess Urine Problems
My first five LGDs as youngsters: Pak, Pala, Petra, Peso and Pinta.
Both Petra and Peso have passed on in cancer - the rest three remain
at ten-plus years and still hanging on at my ranch with my sheep
and my other five LGDs (Spanish Mastiff and Pyrenean Mastiff.)
The time arrives when your old LGD is slowing down, moving stiffer, maybe sleeping much more, tired, off-edge, confused perhaps. Perhaps his ability to even cooperate and speak like he always did, now becomes more complex and confusing. The other step can be an older senior citizen dog beginning to pass much more urine than used to be. At that age, sometimes, he or she has to pee! As the old time dog sleeps suddenly you realize the dog is wet and peeing. Sometimes more and more! The floor, the carpet, the rugs – you name it! It can begin with the owner just lightly smelling urine, and goes down from there once the owner realizes the dog is deeply wet and soaked up on a daily basis.
Ask me about this. I know!
My Great Pyrenees has been great dogs. Peso and Petra have sadly passed on with ten years of age, with the sad loss of cancer. Their sister Pinta, has never been slammed with cancer, but she does have an issue. As she has become much thinner, needs to drink more water, and I see the clouding in her eyes. She still can run and watches the ranch, but she has begun urinating much more. I have kept her in the house every night for over the past two years due to her age and slowing down. She keeps inside with another female, Sally, a Pyrenean Mastiff, who thankfully, although plump and on the big size, does not have a urination issue. My own mother Edith before she died several years ago, had her own urination issues.
As for urinating, my Livestock Guardian Dog (LGD) Pinta has a large and increasing urination issue.
Pinta began lightly peeing inside the house at my ranch, with just nighttime. I could let her inside and she did fine by keeping herself dry. But now her urinations became more and more. Now, she pees several times day and night. If she is outside, there’s no problem. But if she is inside, inevitably, her urination comes.
Exactly a year ago myself in September 17, 2018, I had my own trouble: my sickness, confusion, ability to not speak clearly, exhaustion and more, boiled down into Multiple Sclerosis. So my dogs take on an even bigger task for me as I always keep an eye on them, watch them, know what is going on, and more. I know what happens. I have watched so many dogs die over years, that I am exceptionally careful and kind with them all. And taking care of older dogs as they get aged and tired and in this case with more urine, is why I keep my eye on them all the time. And, I find ideas how to help!
Pinta my Great Pyrenees, is now a very older and aging dog with her aging, lack of ability to run as much, and more. The urination has become a factor: what do I need to do? My own personal MS problem and lack of money to pay for expensive Vet to find out what can be done for her urination, makes it difficult if not possible for me.
The good news is however, I discovered something just a few weeks ago, that has at least helped my LGD much more. Here is my own “Must Do List” of older, senior and incontinent Livestock Guardian Dogs:
Using Dog Diapers: I have discovered the greatest diaper for LGDs. It's available on Chewy.com or you can find them on Amazon.com. The pictures will include Chewy.com for examples.
These kind can be used for stud male dogs as well as females. Cheap – and available to wash and dry in washing machine! The cloth keeps your dog from leaking in the bed, the couch, the rugs, and more. At least 80% or more of the water coming in your old dog, will still be saved by keeping a good, solid diaper. If ever needed, remove the diaper and put up a new one. The diaper is easy to use. Slide down the hold through the tail. Pull up the rear top and lay it down exactly on top of your female dog’s rump. Then reach over below, pull up the two tabs, and pull them up and tape each side. Don’t make it too tight or the dog will feel uncomfortable. The tail going through the diaper keeps your dog clean and safe.
I started with my first female three diapers of X Large. I had to add the largest size of XXL instead and they fit better and more comfortable. Pinta my Great Pyrenees uses wonderfully on XXL diapers!
The Big Male Dog Urination: The old timer boys need help, too. All the male needs is a wide, thick diaper to go over the bottom across his penis. . The males get by with a less diaper, which does not need a hole for the tail. The photos are shown below. The male diapers are in some ways easier to use with the female LGDs, and they can be larger if necessary on a gigantic LGD – for example my Spanish Mastiff who is 39 inches tall at his peak. You’d probably have to get two diapers to make it fit on a dog as giant as him!
Don’t laugh: my two 10 ½ year old – soon to be 11 next year – Anatolian x Maramma cross males, Pak and Pala, are growing much old too. They are not peeing – yet – but the time may come. I’ll be set then when I find out they need help in keeping their urines dry and safe, by using a male pad diaper. The "Alfie" brand is great stuff! ALWAYS can be sold from Chewy.com!
But check these out. It can save your life with constant urination in your older male dogs who need the help.
Going Inside The Truck: Check out the great dog basket in the back because it can help your dog inside the blanket and the basket while keeping it safe from constant urination.

Safety Big Towels A Must: Keeping some big towels can save the day. Pinta gets a large blanket of towels laying at the bed inside my study room. It keeps her dry and not so urinated. No problems in the sheets or mattress!
Constant Drinking: My Pinta is drinking much more water all the time. But I never stop that or try to curb it either, because it is important that the dog needs plenty of water. By keeping good buckets of water placed around different areas inside of my ranch house, means my other females who live I there also have plenty of fluid, too.
So what if it means the older dog has to pee more. It is better to let the dog urinate as much as she needs, than trying to make a dog stop!
Great Diaper “Poise” Pads: Must Have! Have any of you every use these before, or your grandmother or your mom or - or? Come on now, you can say yes! Well, great idea: having a “Poise” pad can save your day with your urinating older LGD! By carefully tabbing a pad against the dog’s diaper that you will place around her for the night, the pad will keep it even drier and less able to drip into the bed or floors. Check out the different sizes available to see what size is best to use on your LGD dog’s diaper. Pads are a life savor! Big places like Costco even sell huge boxes with them for an extremely reasonable price. Hey folks, men or women, you guys can use these for your needs, too!
Just always remember to keep the urinating problem LGDs with their own diapers and pads.
Finally, DOG FOOD!: Please don’t forget your LGDs need good dog food. I’m not taking a time here to go into different brands, the kind of stuff you can use, the this or that. But please don’t think that your urinating LGD should be held back from food. No, and never. In fact, I’ve been up-feeding special treats for Pinta as her urination goes on. By making sure she is eating well and enough, I go a special trip getting her what I know she will eat, and in time, this hopefully will help her weight bulk up as she’s been too thin for a long time.
Morning for her begins about six Pork Sausage Links by Falls Brand “old fashioned recipe” made from Twins Fall, Idaho (I have also heard the company lives in Manteca, California which is where I used to live as a child.) When the tasty links are cooked, I take a few of them and cut them up into a pan with some of the grease, oil and water mixed up with about two cups of my favorite dog food, Victor Dog Foods (my LGDs usually use Victor Professional brand or Victor High-Pro Plus brand.) This I do in hope that Pinta will slowly gain weight again, because she’s been too thin.
I have already hit her for wormer, too. My dearly loved and famous Great Pyrenees breeder, Tina Wells, also recommends using the Pyrantel Pamoate Suspension Pinworm Treatment. I have used this for more than ten years now and it truly does help my LGD breeds.
When the weather begins to be colder such as it does here in Nevada where I live, Pinta can stay outside to a degree, but then she wants back in when the cold is hitting, and the fire is on and crackling. She likes to get her diaper on with her pad, and hops up to the couch in front of the fire. It makes it better for her.
Evening time I usually give her more kibbles with pork. The other big treat for her are large thick chicken breasts, legs and thighs. Some fat hamburger, the cheap fat stuff usually sold by WalMart, also does great for all my LGDs when cold fall starts.
And let’s not remember the famous SATIN BALL! You have used it, right? Or no? If not, you MUST read this blog page as well and keep this as a “must have” for all of your LGD dogs, older or young. The Satin Ball food makes dogs do so great on them.
So there you have it: for your older dogs who need help with urinating, please look into this information and take care of your old timers every way you can and must! It is so important for all of them!
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